On 12th of June 2022, we welcomed Bishop Alan to our Parish. He came on a Pastoral visit and to confirm 29 of our young people. Confirmation is the second stage of Baptism. The anointing and laying on of hands by the Bishop are coupled with the commitment to faith. This is a great occasion and blessing for our Parish, the gift of the Holy Spirit which they are to receive will be a spiritual sign and seal to make them more like Christ. They have, since last September, been preparing for this important stage of their journey in faith. They are happy to share their joy with the whole Parish, parents, relatives, and friends. Their Catechists and helpers have all played their part in the way in which we see ourselves in our relationship with God. You are all to be thanked for your part in their journey of faith of those who have been confirmed during the special Bishop’s Mass at 3:00pm.